Congratulations to our F.6 Visual Arts students for their successful Form 6 Graduation show

Our exhibition name in Chinese refers to the five tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, spicy, and salty. It also represents the five students who study Visual Arts. “The Cantonese pronunciation of ‘taste’ and ‘try’ is the same. The word ‘try’ brings out our different ‘attempts’ when we create. “Taste” is the flavour and feelings we encounter when we create our art. Taste is also an expression of emotion that the creator expresses in the work. Each of the five students has taken on a part of ‘flavour’ through the content of our work. It will create poetic associations related to flavour. We hope that the audience will be able to experience the five flavours in daily life visually and think out of the box. We hope the audience will be able to experience and understand ‘flavour’ in different ways, but not only be limited to taste the ‘flavour’ using their tongues. Meanwhile, the exhibition chronicles the process of our creation. In the creation of our work, we tried to overcome various obstacles. That is also why we name our exhibition “Art/is/try”. In Art creation, we always need to try. Through the imperfect process of creation, we have learnt perseverance to pursue our goal.

Student Artist: Fong Wing Sze, Cheung Lai Ping, Fung Wing Yan Rainie, Wong Ming Wun Kristy, Xu Wanting

恭喜本年中六級選修視藝同學校內展順利進行。 本年度中六畢業展名為「藝術五嚐」,指的是甜丶酸丶苦丶辣丶鹹五種味道。 「嚐」與「嘗」的讀音相同。「嘗」代表同學在高中三年中,於藝術創作上有不同「嘗試」的意思, 敢於挑戰許多新的領域。 「嚐」則是同學在藝術創造上所遇到的丶感受到的味道,當中百味紛陳。「味道」是一種情緒的表現,亦是創作者在作品上所呈現的情感。 同學希望透過作品的內容,展現產生與味道相關的詩意之聯想,讓觀眾置身其中,以視覺感受到日常生活中的五種味道,打破常規及對味道的固有思維。 透過這次展覽,希望觀眾能夠以其他形式重新感受和認識「味道」。而不局限於以舌頭嚐味,有 不一樣的新體驗。 同時,展覽亦紀錄了同學在創作時的心路歷程,為克服各種困難而進行反覆嘗試,或許當中有過「鹹」「苦」丶不被認同的「辣」「酸」,但憑著對藝術的熱誠、信念,同學最終可直至達到心中最理想形象的過程,感受當中的「甜」。 這亦是次展覽名稱「Art/is/try」的名字來源。 Artistry本解作藝術性,而分拆出來可見是「藝術是需要在不斷嘗試下誕生」。藉着不盡完美的過程,鼓勵、並勉 勵日後的自己,即使面對困難,亦必須鍥而不捨,反覆嘗試,讓自己一點一點的進步,直至達成目標。

學生藝術家: 方穎詩,張麗萍,馮潁殷,黃明媛,許婉婷


日期:25/6/2022 (六) – 30/6/2022 (四)

Date: 25/6/2022 (SAT) – 30/6/2022 (THUR)


Exhibition Venue: Artland Gallery (3/F, Lockhart Center, 301-307 Lockhart Road, Wan Chai)

開放時間: 星期一至五:09:00-19:00 星期六:13:00-17:00 星期日及公眾假期休息 Opening Hours: Monday – Friday: 09:00-19:00 Saturday: 13:00-17:00 Sunday and Public Holiday: Closed

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